Monday, November 1, 2010

Tachometer/Dwell Meter (click here for tune up instructions for your classic VW Beetle)

Over the weekend I decided that I would install an old 1960s tachometer (rev counter) that I had stored away from my teen age years, into the Beetle. I ran cable from the engine through to the dash and wired in the gauge. Surprise surprise, the poor old thing no longer worked. That was  a waste of time I thought but I rummaged about in my old gear and came across my father's old Dwell/tachometer that I had forgotten clean about.  Dad and I had used it to tune our cars way back in the 60s. I decided there and then that I would set up the meter permanently in the car. I wired it into the cable and now I have a tach/dwell meter fitted.
Now I must confess it's not the sort of thing you see in many classic VW bugs but why not monitor the car's distributor points before heading out or during a trip. And the tach I use as anyone uses a tach when driving. Mind you the numerals on the dial are quite small so I wrote larger ones on the plastic face of the meter so that I could see them when driving. And I need to install a cable tube to tidy up the cable. And the instrument doesn't harmonise with the car at all.
But now my Dad rides in the car with me, just like in the old days when he was still alive and that for me is really cool!.

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