Friday, October 2, 2009

The Selection Process

My family decided they wanted a Volkswagen Beetle. The problem was none of us knew anything about the cars. If we had known what was ahead of us perhaps this story would have never happened.
Having played with cars for some decades I soon came to learn that for me rust was the worst enemy. I found that I could fix most mechanical problems, but when it came to repairing rust I needed to utilise someone with those skills and they were invariably expensive. This meant that any Beetle I purchased needed to have an above average body, but could be mechanically unsound. The car also needed to be located in Taranaki so that I could easily inspect it and I avoided shipping costs. After searching for what seemed forever I finally located a Beetle that met my specs. I paid above average dollars for it. My logic was that if I purchased a cheaper car the cost of body repairs and painting would outweigh the above average purchase price. I guess that time will tell if I was correct. Sadly the engine was pretty well worn, but it still ran, which was a real bonus. And the Beetle had a new WOF

The photo is of our family Beetle shortly after it was purchased. But trust me - looks deceive

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